How to make cold brew

Step 1 - Coarse Grind Your Beans

Don’t worry, this is going to be easy! Use the coarse grind setting on your coffee bean grinder when grinding your beans. Beans that are ground to a fine, sandy mix will result in cold brew coffee that is gritty and muddy. Your ground beans should look lumpy and coarse. Now let’s add some water! Here is a simple rule - 1 cup of ground coffee, 4 cups of filtered water. There, you are now ready for step 2!

Step 2 - Set it for 12 hours, Filter and Enjoy!

The next step is simple - leave your coffee and water together in a jar for 12 hours; put it in the refrigerator or leave it on the counter. Once the time is up, pour out the mixture into a strainer like cheesecloth or flour sack, then chill your cold brew coffee in the refrigerator. Serve hot or cold and for bonus points, use some of your cold brew coffee to make cold brew coffee ice cubes!