Tip Our Farmers

Although we exclusively source our coffee from cooperatives that pay their farmers a living wage, many customers ask if they can tip our farmers for a job well done and the answer is yes. Please feel free to use our digital tip jar below and we will forward your tip directly to the farmers who grow and process your coffee.


Empower Africans Through A Living Wage
— Our Mission

The Future Is Female

Elizabeth has lived in Nyeri, Kenya all her life. Her parents live in the same region and her forefathers were part of Mau Mau, the movement in Central Kenya that stood up against the occupation of land by British colonialists. When Kenya gained independence, partly because of the Mau Mau efforts, Elizabeth’s parents had the land and the liberty to farm coffee.

Today, the returns from coffee aren’t that great as the coffee supply chain is rigged against the farmer. As Elizabeth notes in the video, at times the children have to spend time at home, time that should otherwise be spent at school, because of lack of school fees. When you buy coffee from vendors who can guarantee that the farmers have been paid fair wages, then you become part of the solution. At African Coffee Club, we give you that assurance.

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Meet Micheal

This is how high quality cupping happens

When you walk into the Rui Ruiru factory in Kenya you will meet Michael Gachagua, a 31-year-old hard-working man. Here, he receives coffee cherries from the farmers checking that it is of the right quality. He then weighs it and keeps a record to ensure accuracy in remuneration.

Next, he spreads the cherries on the raised drying tables thereby starting natural coffee processing. The raised beds ensure maximum air circulation around the cherries. He also ensures they are thinly spread to avoid fermentation.

Then, he is tasked with turning and tossing the cherries to prevent molding. This he does effortlessly due to his experience and commitment to producing the best quality coffee for your cup.

So, why natural and not wet-washed? The natural process produces fruity flavors and sweet undertones that are perfect for roasters and baristas especially those who want to showcase what Kenyan coffee is in its fullness.

This is a normal day in the life of Mr. Gachagua.