Twende Coffee Beans: DR Congo


Twende Coffee Beans: DR Congo


Embark on a coffee journey like no other with Twende Coffee from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). With every bag, you get:

  1. Sustainably Sourced: Our coffee beans are ethically sourced from farms that pay fair wages to hardworking farmers.

  2. Empowering Farmers: We believe in putting profits back into the hands of the farmers who work tirelessly to produce these exceptional beans.

  3. Quality Assurance: Our beans undergo rigorous quality checks to ensure that you receive only the finest, freshly roasted coffee beans.

  4. A World of Aromas: Explore a diverse range of tasting notes, from fruity and floral to earthy and spicy, offering a delightful sensory journey with every cup.

  5. Versatile Brewing: These beans are perfect for various brewing methods, including drip, espresso, French press, and more, allowing you to craft your ideal coffee experience.

  6. DR Congo Heritage: Immerse yourself in the rich coffee culture of the Democratic Republic of Congo where coffee is more than a beverage; it's a tradition, a way of life, and a source of pride.

  7. Every bag is 12 Oz which translates to ~32 cups of fresh coffee

  8. Never Run Out of Freshly Roasted Coffee: If you prefer, subscribe to our coffee delivery service and say goodbye to the hassle of running out of your favorite brew.

  9. Specialty Coffee Experience: Each batch is carefully selected and roasted to perfection, guaranteeing a consistent and exceptional coffee experience.

  10. Cupping: Syrupy Body, Blood-Orange Zest Finish

  11. Drying Method: Sun-dried on raised beds

  12. Free Shipping: Enjoy the convenience of free shipping with every order above $50

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Our Farmers Story

We source Twende from our living wage certified partner - Mighty Peace Coffee. Here is their story.


Since its formation in 2011, the Amka Mlimajo wa Kahawa Cooperative has been working to help small producers overcome barriers to market access. In the last decade, they have experienced massive growth, currently supporting an active membership of 2,093 smallholder producers for whom coffee is a vital source of income. Equitable market access also helps reduce coffee smuggling on Lake Kivu.

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Social Impact

Amani is a producer of Twende in the Lutunda territory. One of the challenges he and other farmers face is access to the collection point because of the poor road infrastructure. Through the Peace Trade and our reliable partnerships, he and other farmers are able to access credit to cover children’s school fees, healthcare, and many other of their essential household needs.

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Empower Africans Through A Living Wage
— Our Mission