Ngoli Coffee Beans: Zambia

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Ngoli Map.png

Ngoli Coffee Beans: Zambia


Ngoli is a fruit-forward wonder from the often-overlooked coffee bean fields of Zambia. With every bag, you get:

  1. Sustainably Sourced: Our coffee beans are ethically sourced from farms that pay fair wages to hardworking farmers.

  2. Empowering Farmers: We believe in putting profits back into the hands of the farmers who work tirelessly to produce these exceptional beans.

  3. Quality Assurance: Our beans undergo rigorous quality checks to ensure that you receive only the finest, freshly roasted coffee beans.

  4. A World of Aromas: Explore a diverse range of tasting notes, from fruity and floral to earthy and spicy, offering a delightful sensory journey with every cup.

  5. Versatile Brewing: These beans are perfect for various brewing methods, including drip, espresso, French press, and more, allowing you to craft your ideal coffee experience.

  6. Zambian Heritage: Immerse yourself in the rich coffee culture of Zambia, where coffee is more than a beverage; it's a tradition, a way of life, and a source of pride.

  7. Every bag is 12 Oz which translates to ~32 cups of fresh coffee

  8. Never Run Out of Freshly Roasted Coffee: If you prefer, subscribe to our coffee delivery service and say goodbye to the hassle of running out of your favorite brew.

  9. Specialty Coffee Experience: Each batch is carefully selected and roasted to perfection, guaranteeing a consistent and exceptional coffee experience.

  10. Cupping: Plum, nectarine, mandarin orange, grape hard candy

  11. Drying Method: Sun-dried on raised beds

  12. Free Shipping: Enjoy the convenience of free shipping with every order above $50

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Grower Profile

The Northern Province of Zambia shares its borders with Tanzania to the East and D.R. Congo to the North. It also occupies the southern shore of Lake Tanganyika - the world’s longest fresh-water lake, the largest in Africa by volume and also its deepest.

The Northern Province has the best conditions for arabica coffee cultivation in Zambia with its relative proximity to the equator and abundant altitude (Mafinga Hills being the highest point in the country at 2,300 masl).

The local economy is dominated by agriculture with coffee
being the primary commercial crop, alongside subsistence crops such as maize, millet, groundnuts, and beans. The mountainous terrain and lack of transport infrastructure make this region challenging to work in, but also one most in need of the investment and development that the coffee industry can bring.


We pride ourselves in growing and harvesting coffee while paying careful attention to every detail. We recognize that it is in post-harvest processing that we bring out the varied and full flavors inherent in our crop. With a range of external consultants and in-house expertise, we have honed our post-harvesting skills over several harvests, each year improving on the one before and trying new and innovative techniques.

Our fully washed coffees are produced using ECOPULPERS and fermentation tanks based on each estate. All five estates benefit from an abundance of clean water on site, and a fermentation process that takes between 16 - 24 hours depending on the climate at the time. The drying takes place across estates using a combination of raised drying tables, patios, and hot air beds. We ensure the coffee harvest reaches the pulping station within 6 hours of hand picking. Coffees are then sorted by size and weight and kept in a cool environment, allowing them
to settle prior to export.

Women Empowerment

Traditional gender roles in rural communities have inhibited opportunities for women in the workplace.

Over 35% of the permanent staff and two thirds of the management trainees are women. In addition, since 2016 over 80 women have trained and obtained their licences in tractor and commercial vehicle operation.

An independent social anthropologist has studied this initiative to conclude that women tractor drivers are the most advanced group when it comes to household budgeting, boosting village savings schemes and re-investing the most back into their own communities. This initiative has created pressure on traditional leadership to accept better gender equality and representation.

Empower Africans Through A Living Wage
— Our Mission